– Slovak creative artist, painter and graphic designer, pedagogue, musician

His relationship to the world was always artistically and musically reflected and his creativity and openness is typical for visual as well as audible communication dialogue. In line with his statement that “the task of art today is to be the light of the good news,” he perceives his messages (own work) as results of observations intersections and relationships of age consumption movements and liberating, impersonal dimension of being. Short of leaving the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, he was penetrated and carried by Western and Eastern spirituality. His relationship to the vertical dimension of life he formulated as follows: “He does not exist, but he is” (D. Bonhoeffer). Unwillingly, it is close to even paradoxical statement: “God, Who is not, but He is.” His joyous spiritual experience in the mid-90 years, moved him into the new seasons, into shaping a new vision of the world, ways of creation, which is particularly reflected in the colours and motifs from the world of musical works and artistic synaesthesia, or the ideas benefiting the environment, the consumer society, including pop culture and its forms, which are comics, graffiti, street art, manga, etc.). Although his temperamental home media is painting, part of his creative methods is the use of language and means of expression of other media. The result of experimentation is always fresh, painterly record of movement and rhythm of time, characterized by elements of contemporary visual culture. One of his vital interests is to mediate content of visual arts to laic public through cultural events, creative and relaxing courses/workshops that are also about finding own identity (new freedom) in contact with art. Despite the critical distance from today’s motivating and driving forces of the world (which are mostly acquisitive motives, personal prestige or desire of awards), he organized and was participated in many not only domestic presentations. Areas of his creative activities include: painting, graphic design, drawing, art work, illustration, photo, video and music.

More about the author, studies, individual and group exhibitions, news:


1993 – 98 Academy of fine arts and design in Bratislava, (Classic painting atelier, prof. Berger, Multimedia atelier KR.E.S.BA, prof. Popovic)
1988 – 93 College of Education Comenius university in Bratislava, (art education, Slovak language, pedagogy)
1988 – 92 Public conservatory in Bratislava (Musical specialization, classical guitar, prof. Blaho)
1984 – 88 Graphic industrial high school in Bratislava
1977 – 83 Elementary art school in Bratislava (V. Luknár, Dobiáš, Rusková)

Group exhibitions:

2023- 30 rokov SVS (Galéria Silencium, Paneurópska vysoká škola, Bratislava)
2022- Otvorený priestor II (Bratislavský hrad- Výstavný priestor)
2022- Otvorený priestor I (Ružinovská Galéria- Cultus, Bratislava)
2021- Sebareflexie (Galéria slovenského rozhlasu, Bratislava)
2015- Stretnutie (Členská výstava spolku výtvarníkov slovenska, Galéria Slovenského rozhlasu)
2008- Metamorfózy malby (Oravská galéria, Dolný kubín)
2007- Výtvarné paralely VII. (Umbertide perugia, Taliansko)
2006- Stretnutie generácii III., (Výstavná sieň slovenského rozhlasu, Bratislava)
2005- Farebné k/roky- (S účastníkmi kurzov Re- Kreativ, Dom kultúry Kramáre, Bratislava)
2004- Seid ein gespräch (Dialog for Burgenland, rakúsko)
2006- Výtvarné paralely VI. (Výstava mladých, Pálfyho palác, Bratislava)
2004- Stretnutie generácii (Pri práležitosti založenia spolku Výtvarníkov Slovenska, Galéria UBS Bratislava)
2003- Paralelle Figurative V. (Palazo delle podesta, Taliansko)
2003- Paralelle Figurative V. (Arzoni del palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio,Taliansko)
2003- Výtvarné paralely V. (Galléria SK rozhlasu, Bratislava)
2003- Výtvarné paralely IV. (Výstava mladých- priestory UBS, Bratislava)
2002- Slnovrat (Výstava spolku výtvarníkov Slovenska, priestory UBS)
2000- Umelci deťom (Charitatívna aukcia výtvarných diel, Galéria Grémium- Gorkého ul., Bratislava)

Solo exhibitions:

2021- Planéta M, (Ružinovská galéria v Bratislava,, kurátor M.Horváthová)
2004- Ladislav Mareš, Galéria Pannonia, Wulkapodersdorf, Eisenstadt, Rakúsko
2000- Zero Point (kurátor Stanislav Kollárik, InternetGallery, laurinská ul., Bratislava)
2000- Pejtinx (Galéria marat Art, Panská ul., Bratislava)
2000- Vyjasnievanie (Bratislavský hrad, kurátor M.Paukov)
2000- Beauty salon artemis (Palisády, Bratislava)